Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Edible Adventures: Vegan Style

If you know me, you know I heart me some red meat. But I am not adverse to trying new things. I think I have been pretty good about trying new things, lately, too. For example. I ate a whole piece of sushi. Gasp! I know!  Well, it might not have been raw fish sushi, it had crab and friend shrimp in it, but it was a start. And, double gasp, I kinda liked it. Then, I had crab salad one of my room moms made. And I liked that, too! I know. 

This new attitude toward trying new tasty things has led me to make some pretty interesting stuff lately. The most interesting of which was a completely vegan meal!

Have you ever bought something from Costco and said to yourself, "Dude, I will totally use that!" And then you get further and further away from the purchase date, only to say, "Dude, how am I going to use that?!" That was me. And the item in question was a giant tub of mushrooms. Wanting something new and different, I went to my trusty, typed in both mushroom and main dish, and clicked send. A lot of interesting recipes popped up --- but one peaked my interest above all others. Mushroom Burgers, Sans-the-burger. Score! I figured I would use up all the mushrooms AND it had rave reviews. I made a few changes to the initial recipe, mostly because I was too lazy to go to the store for different ingredients. I used Lea & Perrins, rather than oyster sauce, and Italian bread crumbs instead of white bread. The end result.... pretty darn tasty! I did my burger up right with some mayo, lettuce and tomato, along with a nice thick slice of fresh provolone cheese. And what compliments a burger better than fries.... we complimented this particular burger with home-made yam fries. Much like the sweet potato fries you can buy at restaurants, they were salty, sweet and delicious.

After making this meal, I might have to give vegetarianism a second thought....  maybe next week, after I make the Double Chocolate Bacon Cupcakes.

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